
Alexbarrozo님의 프로필


이름 Alexandre
도시 마르세유
본국 BR 브라질
현재 국가 FR 프랑스
연령 37
성별 남성
모국어 EN 영어
FR 프랑스어
PT 포르투갈어
학습할 언어 JA 일본어




Alexです。33 歳です。ブラジル人ですが、今フランスに住んでいま す。私は化学の研究者です。美術や音楽について話す のが好きです。そして、ギターを弾いたり、絵を書い たりしています。
少し日本語を書けて、よめます が、話すことが難しいと思います。ポルトガル語と英 語とフランス語に手伝えます。面白い音楽とビデオで 一緒に練習できます。

よろしくお願いします 。

Hi everyone!

My name is Alex. I'm a 33 year-old Brazilian living in France. I'm a science geek, working as a researcher in chemistry. I love talking about music, and art. I play the guitar and draw.

I've been advancing a lot with my basics in Japanese writing and reading. The problem is listening and speaking. I'd love to meet anyone willing to help me on my journey. I'm fluent in Portuguese, English and French. We can chat by whichever way you'd like, and share our favorite songs, movies and cartoons, so we make our learning experience more fun.

Looking forward to meet you!

새 메시지

이름 Alexandre
도시 마르세유
현재 국가 FR 프랑스
새 메시지
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