
Ice1804님의 프로필


이름 Daniel
도시 바르샤바
본국 PL 폴란드
현재 국가 PL 폴란드
연령 47
성별 남성
모국어 PL 폴란드어
학습할 언어 EN 영어



Dear Friends,

I'm Daniel from Poland. I've been working in logistics, sales department. I like sports, especially tennis, swimming, cycling, skiing. I used to practice karate kyokusinghai for few years (when I was young :) ).

I really like instrumental music, soundtracks, rock.

I love travelling: I've visited Australia, USA, South of French, Tunisia, Turkey, most of Europe. I would like to see much more but It's not always easy.
My next plan is to visit Asia and South of America.

I enjoy nature. Walking to the forests, picking mushrooms, taking fresh breath, walking by the sea.

I invite all people who want to improve English skills by speaking, writing, or meet each other face to face.

I may offer Polish language in exchange of English.

Kind regards,

새 메시지

이름 Daniel
도시 바르샤바
현재 국가 PL 폴란드
모국어 PL 폴란드어
학습할 언어 EN 영어
새 메시지
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