
Rogers 언어 교환

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모국어 :  영어
학습할 언어 :  프랑스어
Bonjour! My name is Rebecca and I am absolutely in love with the French people and language. When I was 18, I was an exchange student and lived in Cheptainville with the most loving and caring French family. In college, I majored in French. I work in marketing. I have worked on major brands including Disney, Walmart, McDonald's, and Proctor & Gamble. About a year and a half ago I started my own engagement marketing company called Will Work for Chocolate. At the beginning of my career, I was able to work on the Club Med account and keep that tie to France. My dream is to live and work in Paris. My husband and I love to take one big trip a year and in 2022, I returned to my beloved France. I used to know this language so well. I'd love to relearn it and put that first step on the path toward my dream of becoming an expatriate. I love learning and culture. In addition to French, I took Spanish in college and have used it on our various trips. When we were planning our trip to Germany, I studied the language and was able to be proficient, speaking only in German at the end of the trip. The awful thing is I am extremely self-conscious about my ability (inability) to speak another language, and I don't speak up because I don't want to make a mistake. I'm really hoping a pen pal can help me overcome this. In addition to traveling and languages, I also love to read, see live events (like concerts, stand-up comedians, plays, really any performance art), go to the movies, and bake. Since being quarantined I have really stepped up my cooking and baking skills, and I've started playing the piano again. I look forward to virtually meeting!