
언어 커뮤니티


Speaking club Esplaneta
Москва, 러시아
In addition to the offline meetings described below, we are looking for a host or teacher of online English. Spanish, French and German meeting ☀ Суббота 18-00 на Добрынинской до 20-00 1) English club/speed-meeting + Spanish 2) Английский для начинающих (20% теории и 80% практики) ☀ Воскресенье 18-00 на Полянке до 20-00 Английский разговорный клуб с играми + Испанский, французский и немецкий (у каждого языка, свой ведущий). Хочешь быть ведущим? Напиши в телеграм Информируем в день встречи о текущих встречах на канале телеграм , 500р, скидка 20% за ВК репост и 50% за ВК репост и приведённого друга(скидка для обоих). Бесплатно, если помогаешь в продвижении или развитии клуба. Репост анонса на неделю нужно сделать за минимум сутки до встречи в . Каждое 6-ое бесплатно. 🌱Хочешь быть ведущим ин. языков? Напиши нам или оставь комментарий под этим постом в и Мы на facebook - Мы в instagram Есть гостевые бесплатные визиты по субботам и четвергам(регистрация по вотсап на сайте esplaneta ) Для носителей английского , испанского , французского и немецкого бесплатно ( обсудим бесплатное посещение для проподавателей этих яхыков по вотсап на сайте esplaneta)
Korean Conversation Community: KCC Calgary Alberta
Calgary, 캐나다
실습 언어 :  영어, 한국어
KCC (Korean Conversation Community) in Calgary (YYC), Alberta (AB, Alta.) is a great way to learn, study, practice, and exchange languages and cultures, while meeting other people face-to-face, in social tandem small-groups, in a mixed-methods interactive-activities class format, for free! At KCC, you can socialize, make new friends, and build a sense of local and global community spirit and belonging through international, multi-cultural conversation! We are open to anyone and everyone from all cultures, ethnicities, and nationalities/citizenships! KCC 친구들과 함께 언어를 배울 수 있는 모임으로, 언어교환뿐만이 아니라 다양한 문화 교류를 통해 새로운 친구들을 사귈 수 있어요. We have in-person sessions (if public health guidelines and local Calgary conditions allow)! Occasional online meetings are on Discord :D KCC’s past/former name is Korean Conversation Club.
Mundiñol - Intercambio de idiomas JA ES ZH
Barcelona, 스페인
Nos reunimos cada lunes, miércoles y viernes para practicar japonés, chino, castellano y catalán. Son reuniones gratuitas y todo el mundo puede participar. 毎週、月曜日と水曜日と金曜日に、日本語、中国語、スペイン語、カタルーニャ語を練習するために集まっています。無料で誰でも参加できます。 Cada lunes 月曜日: 20:50 - 22:50 New Orleans Coffee & Tea : Pere d'Artés, 10, Barcelona Cada miércoles 水曜日: 20:30 - 22:50 Viena Calle Pelayo : Pelai, 16, Barcelona Cada viernes 金曜日: 21:15 - 23:30 Alex Bar Restaurant : Còrsega, 170, Barcelona En la pestaña "contacto" hay enlaces a nuestras páginas. Accede a esas páginas para conseguir más información. 詳しくは「連絡先」にある meet up のページを見てください。 Sobre nosotros 私たちについて -------------- 言語交換だけでなく、バルセロナ滞在を、短期間でも、数年間でも、永住でも、もっと楽しく有意義にするためのグループです。色々な相談もできます。 我们是一个由亚洲人和西语母语者组成的大家庭 Mundiñol, 我们来自世界各地。但每周我们都会聚在一起练习西班牙,加泰罗尼亚语,中文和日语哦。在语言交流会上,你可以认识很多来自拉美洲和欧洲各国的朋友!
MSA and Classical Arabic
실습 언어 :  아랍어
This group is for people interested in Modern Standard Arabic(MSA) and Classical Arabic(fus7a). I intend to use this group as a place to help people get better at spoken and written Arabic (in MSA) and to learn about Classical Arabic via classical texts (like the Hadith and Quran and old Arabic poems). Please note that there will be an element of religion involved (the Quran and Hadith are primary Islamic texts), so if religion/Islam feels alien to you, it is better to find an Arabic community suited to a dialect. The activities of this group will include: - online meetups to speak MSA - streaming cartoons/movies that have MSA dialogue - any other suggested topic to help improve speaking/writing/listening We also have a Telegram channel now:
Brighton Language Exchange Group
Brighton, 영국
Practice a language, make new friends in and around Brighton in a friendly, laid back atmosphere. No matter if you have just started learning a language and only want to listen or you are bilingual and want to keep practicing, we welcome all levels, all ages, from all countries! We've various events happening, meeting and chatting in pubs, evenings at restaurants, beer festivals, country walks, watching live music and dance and we're open to suggestions! Here are all our upcoming events: See you soon! Every Thursday in 2024 from 8pm until 11pm. The Park Crescent Pub, 39 Park Crescent Terrace, Brighton, BN2 3HE.
English-Chinese exchange free online
Xi'an, 중화인민공화국
실습 언어 :  영어, 중국어 (표준)
This is a free online English-Chinese exchange club. Host, Jerry Deng, (邓逸扬), a polyglot who speaks Chinese/English/Spanish/French fluently. , new: basic Chinese class free online Note: Everybody is welcome, but this group is intended for NATIVE speakers of English or Chinese. We have a site that might help you learn Chinese, 这是一个公益组织,欢迎带朋友同学来参加活动,不单练英语。如果有时间,可以申请轮值主持/志愿者中文老师/助教。帮助他人,磨练自己。 the latest online event is listed and Wechat/WhatsAPP QR inside,
Shanghai Language Exchange Talkspace
Shanghai, 중화인민공화국
Meet other local people interested in Language Exchange: share experiences, inspire and encourage each other! Join our Shanghai Language Exchange group. Do you speak Spanish🇪🇸, French🇫🇷, German🇩🇪, Hebrew, Portuguese🇵🇹, Italian🇮🇹, Russian🇷🇺, Japanese🇯🇵, Korean🇰🇷, Chinese🇨🇳, Arabic🇦🇪 or English🇬🇧🇺🇸?Practice your Spanish, French, German, Hebrew, Portuguese, French, Italian, Russian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Arabic, and English All language levels are welcome! Follow us for upcoming events! 请关注近期精彩社交活动! 微信公众号 WeChat Official Account: 说会英语 手机(同微信号)Phone Number (Same for): +8617317121983 WhatsApp/WeChat:17317121983 ⭕️【周三】Talkspace time💜 🎟#小程序://互动吧/OoeenQ9HBrKInDv Time:19:00-21:00 Wednesday 🏠Location::Hunan Road 11, Shanghai ▶️location video guide: ⭕️【周五】Japanese Corner💜 🎟#小程序://互动吧/esNxMhXYIJWdfKf 🏠Location::Hunan Road 11, Shanghai ▶️location video guide: ⭕️【周五】 Language Exchange Friday night💜 🎟#小程序://互动吧/un5gCes1gsfgHbt ⏰Time: 19:00---22:00 🏠Location::Hunan Road 11, Shanghai ⭕️⭕️周日 English Talkspace⭕️⭕️ 【周日】音乐厅 说会英语 English talkspace 🎟#小程序://互动吧/rhQCV86Y9CCkPnD ⏰:14:00-16:00 🏠Location::No.98, Huaihai Middle Road, Shanghai「Eclipse月食」大世界地铁站 音乐厅对面
English Arabic communit British Egyptian preferred
Cairo, 이집트
실습 언어 :  아랍어, 영어
hey , this is Mohammed and this community is mine so you can't be different with me , We are looking for (Arabic English ) exchange, and all is welcome . if you face a problem you can call me, and I promise that I will try to help you. interests : Public Relations - Self improvement - Climate change - Leadership lifestyle - Running 🏃 - Swimming 🏊 - Coking We will discuss and learn this topics and other suggestions are welcome too. Core Values : Respect - desire to improve and make real friends.
Online Language Exchange Events
Hello! I am looking for interesting events to practice languages. I am sharing here online language exchange events that may be interesting. If you find any other interesting events as well, let me know! 😉 Enjoy!
Online Language Courses
Hello! I am looking for interesting courses to learn languages. I am sharing here some language courses that may be interesting. If you find any other interesting classes as well, let me know! 😉 Enjoy!