
Yhjung님의 프로필


이름 Young-Ho
도시 칼리지스테이션
본국 KR 대한민국
현재 국가 US 미국
연령 34
성별 남성
모국어 KO 한국어
학습할 언어 EN 영어
JA 일본어




Hi! My name is Young-Ho.
I am a graduate student in United States currently.
My first language is Korean but my English is good enough to communicate.
I am looking for Japanese friend who is interested in Korean language and/or culture.
Recently I become interested in Japanese language and Japan after watching some Youtube videos made by a Korean husband and a Japanese wife.
Regardless of political and historical issues between Korean and Japanese government I believe we can be good friends since we share a lot of common things in our culture.
Although my Japanese is just beginner level, I can learn fast.
Feel free to contact to me if you are interested in.

새 메시지

이름 Young-Ho
도시 칼리지스테이션
현재 국가 US 미국
모국어 KO 한국어
학습할 언어 EN 영어
JA 일본어
새 메시지
Get help from your friend to learn foreign languages!